Clerk Labs
Hey! Clerk Labs is an innovation shop based in the Nordics. Below are some of the ideas and projects that have sprung from the labs. We appreciate your attention and support!

Fully automatic Machine Learning in Google Spreadsheets.
Making sure that everything you do aligns with high level goal

The hard truths, tools and mindset you need to build up true passive income without falling prey to dream merchants and con artists along the way.
Take a trip down memory lane and explore what happened in your life this minute of the day, across the past days, weeks, months and years.

Gauge the potential of business ideas using Jobs-to-be-Done theory and Outcome Driven Innovation

Bullshit Goggles
Surf the web in peace, or at least with a tad less bullshit

Location-based quiz games
Integrate AI in your app within minutes.

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